應力空間 Soil Space|失真的圖層 The distorted layers|童品元 個展

應力空間 Soil Space|失真的圖層 The distorted layers|童品元 個展

失真的圖層 The distorted layers

童品元 個展
Tung Pin-Yuan Solo Exhibition

▎時間:2023/7/8(六)- 8/6(日)
▎開幕:2023/7/8(六)下午 15:00
▎地點:應力空間 Soil Space _700 台南市中西區民權路二段64巷56號3F
▎主辦單位:應力空間Soil Space 、土星工作室 Tu Xing Studio







In recent years, the ongoing creation is based on the life experience of loss, and then extended into a series of chapter-like works. The content includes thoughts on life, discussion of materials and writing of emotions, and ritualistic inquiry and dialogue on the feelings of fading and unknown. Using ceramics as the main medium of creation, the work attempts to implant its material diversity into the work, and combines the vocabulary of images to transform these spiritual vacancies into sensual material forms as a practice of creation. 

In 2022, I devoted a lot of time to organizing the space in my home that would soon become my studio. The original space was filled with boxes of ten thousand years of family miscellaneous items, including family diaries, letters, photos, and tapes. I was able to experience the family history and stories again through organizing. 

I found a pile of bad photos in a damp paper box. The moisture invaded the paper and made the images on the surface brittle and separate like wall cancer, falling and dissipating like snowflakes when I picked them up, while some of them were blurred by water and stirred into another mysterious form. These sensual appearances prompt me to gaze again at the loosened gaps of memory and visualize the dissipated state into the works in this exhibition. 

The form of the work is based on my experience of cleaning up shredded paper every day when I was a substitute soldier. I felt that the messages and images remaining on the fine paper had an intriguing but unreadable charm. Through the labor of the production process, we can think again about the nature and form of memory existence. 

Perhaps the discussion of the eventual disappearance is not an entirely negative and demoralizing one, but rather a reflection on how to experience and cherish the short period of time before it disappears. If the emotion of loss is likened to a large hole that has been dug out in my heart, what I am trying to find is not a way to fill it up, but rather to go deeper into the hole, as if exploring the most sincere feelings it brings to me, and to crawl through it. This exhibition attempts to bring to the viewer my unique sensibility as a living person facing the experience of bereavement and the dissipation of memory, as well as the use and reflection of ceramic materials, hoping that the viewer can feel the presentation of temperature and sense of time in the field.


文|應力空間 Soil Space 主理人 彭奕軒






Fire is the node of transition, "Fire is coming, run! " is the same phrase that everyone may have experienced in the past or in the future. Whenever I see an artist talk about this through transformative art forms, I get a strong feeling to think about some moments in my personal experience with my loved ones.

This time, we are honored to invite artist Tun Pin-yuan to present his latest solo exhibition, ' The Distorted Layers'. Tun Pin-yuan's past works focus on the direction of family, intimacy, and fading. The artist chose to transform the meaning of art creation through memory, image and distance.

The artist also mentions that during his military service, his unit officially destroyed the paper documents (shredder), which is also transformed in this form. Pin-yuan links "the eternal orientation of ceramics" and "the connection of personal family genealogy" together, and the filigreed family images, some of which are solo portraits and family photos, raise the theme of fragility and eternity.

"Fire is coming, run!" In the present moment, we all understand some life forms, also with the irreversible dynamic characteristics of ceramic media, shrinking, moving, twisting, cracking, and sintering. The artist will gradually explore the possible filamentary paths through the collection in the family image collection.



童品元 Tung Pin-Yuan
1996 出生於台灣
[email protected]

2018-2021 國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所
2014-2018 國立台南藝術大學材質創作與設計系

2020 於蒙特瓦洛大學駐校創作,美國
2019 宜興陶瓷工作營,中國
2019 景德鎮陶溪川春秋大集-春集,中國

2021  景德鎮國際陶瓷藝術雙年展・入選
2021  台灣陶藝獎・入選
2021  法藍瓷光點計畫・入圍
2020  12th日本美濃國際陶藝競賽・入圍
2019  臺灣青年陶藝獎 雙年展・首獎
2019  法藍瓷光點計畫・入圍

2023  失真的圖層The distorted layers-童品元個展,應力空間,台南
2023  WHATZ ART FAIR-不定的羈旅,喜來登大飯店,台北
2023 《原土的性格》庫泥聯展,伊日好物,高雄
2023 「混搭」-台灣陶芸の今,柿傳ギアラリ,日本
2023  壞坏vol.3,台北國際藝術村,台北
2023  chin chin cup show,青青土氣,台南
2022  《內在共振》南藝大材質藝術祭,台南藝術大學,台南
2022  家庭記事-童品元、陳芷筠創作雙人展,慢慢生活美,台北
2022  面外面FROM SIDE TO SIGHT台韓陶藝家陶盤聯展,純Object,台北
2022  臺灣陶藝獎,鶯歌陶瓷博物館,新北
2022  情緒加速器,市長官邸藝文沙龍,台北
2021  景德鎮國際陶瓷藝術雙年展-瓷的精神 The spirit of ceramics,陶溪川美術館,中國
2021  蛻變新世代-台灣當代陶瓷展 The wind of change,KWUM CERAMICS MUSEUM,芬蘭
2021  國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所所展,總爺藝文中心,台南
2021  在記憶也消逝之前線上個展,伊日藝術,台北
2021  在記憶也消逝之前-童品元創作個展,台南藝術大學 201 展間,台南
2020  THE PLATE 陶盤雙個展,慢慢生活美,台北
2020  人間浮游 Roaming In the World 四人聯展,良室,台北
2020  The wind of change 台灣當代陶瓷展,Baltimore Clayworks,美國
2020  漫長的告別-童品元創作個展,青青土氣,台南
2019  國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所陶瓷組物件展-大崎陸陸,青青土氣,台南
2019  國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所所展-潛越,承億文旅,嘉義
2019  臺灣青年陶藝獎 雙年展,工藝中心台北分館,台北
2019  亞洲當代陶藝交流展-實驗場新課堂,杭州國美民藝博物館,中國
2019  Opettaja ja oppilaat II 師生聯展,MIKI STUDIO,芬蘭
2019  藝術新生十校推薦聯展,大墩藝文中心,台中
2018  平民心事躍上桌-童品元創作個展,小滿食堂,台南
2018  Everyday ART 學生藝術商店聯展,勤美術館,台中
2018  藝術新生十校推薦聯展,大墩藝文中心,台中