家屋計畫-林文萱個展 |Home Project: Lin Wen Hsuan Solo Exhibition

家屋計畫-林文萱個展 |Home Project: Lin Wen Hsuan Solo Exhibition



▎公休:每週三四(Closed on Wed & Thu) 

▎地點: 台南市中西區民權路二段64巷56號3F

▎藝術家:林文萱 Lin Wen Hsuan

▎主辦單位:應力空間Soil Space 、土星工作室 Tu Xing Studio

▎贊助單位:歐洲陶藝中心EKWC 、臺南市政府文化局 、文化部


在家屋計劃中,我希望能透過自然界的生物-泥壺蜂所建構的巢,作為討論家屋的起點。自 2018 年起我開始關注泥壺蜂,他們與陶藝家一樣使用土來工作,泥壺蜂因為身 型的限制主要使用環境周遭的土,為了了解這個脆弱如薄殼一般的巢並使其保持原有形狀,我將拾獲的蜂巢經過陶藝窯爐高溫燒製(1230 度)陶瓷化,蜂巢也從黃土色轉 化成各種不同的顏色,呈現其中作為象徵家屋的原初物件。我嘗試將陶藝的創作者概 念開放,將家屋主題藉由非人類(泥壺蜂)與人類(作者)共同構成,以此來探索陶 藝和自然界之間合作的可能性。             

由泥壺蜂本能所構築的家,彷彿是家的最小單位,也因為它非具有社會性,每一個蜂巢只有一隻幼蟲,因此又稱為獨生蜂,雌蜂會以周遭的泥土築巢並產卵於巢中,雌蜂 會準備新鮮的鱗翅目幼蟲作為幼蜂的食物,這些鱗翅目的幼蟲會被雌蜂麻醉,使泥壺蜂卵孵化後能有最新鮮的食物作為養分。和有社會性的蜜蜂不同,雌蜂會在產卵後放 入食物,最後將如同陶罐的蜂巢以泥土密封後便離開,待在巢裡的幼蟲將在孵化後打破由母親建造的巢,從這個巢離開,找尋下一個更適合築巢的地方,他們的後代也將 世世代代重複這個生命的經驗歷程。觀察泥壺蜂的巢帶給我許多對於家屋這個概念的 想像,我將我所觀察到的泥壺蜂巢作為靈感,我將對蜂巢的感受放大進行陶瓷物件創 作,希望藉由我和泥壺蜂所合作的創作為人們生產一種屬於精神上的家屋。


這個家屋並沒有特定的造型,由我的觀察和泥壺蜂本能築巢條件為根基,有時候是直接使用,有時候蜂巢觸動我的則是某一部份的結構或一些零碎的內容物。家屋計畫是 一個同時具備陶藝概念和自然觀察的藝術創作,泥壺蜂沒有社會階級、沒有國家的概念、也沒有家庭的概念,他們像是抱著食物獨成長,也依然努力存在,我認為我能從 泥壺蜂的生命受到啟發,所以我想將這份啟發帶給觀者。也許生命從一個時間點上來看,好似重複一樣的生活經驗,但是歷經五年以上的觀察,每當我又一次駐足於觀察蜂巢時,泥壺蜂的創造力總能帶給我新的驚喜,每一隻蜂所建造的家屋都和環境有緊密的關聯性,也因為不同的地方而讓這個家屋呈現獨特的樣貌。 

文萱-酷卡_工作區域 1

For the home project, I wanted to use the nests constructed by a natural creature, the potter wasp, as a starting point for discussing the house. In order to understand this fragile, thin-shelled nest and keep it in its original form, I turned the found nests into ceramics by firing them at high temperatures (1,230 degrees Celsius) in a ceramic kiln, and the nests were transformed from a yellowish earth color into various colors, which are presented as symbols of the original objects of the home. I have tried to make ceramics as a way to symbolize the originality of the home. I try to open up the concept of authorship in ceramics, and explore the possibility of collaboration between ceramics and the natural world by constructing the theme of the house with non-human bees (potter wasp) and human beings (authors).

The female will use the surrounding soil to build her nest and lay her eggs in it. She will prepare fresh Lepidoptera larvae as food for the larvae, which will be anesthetized by the female, so that the eggs will be fed with the freshest food available when they hatch. Unlike social bees, the females will lay their eggs, add food, and then seal the hive like a clay pot in the mud and leave. The larvae that remain in the hive will break through the mother's nest when they hatch, and leave the hive in search of a more suitable place to build their own nests, a life experience that will be repeated for generations to come. Observing the nests of the clay pot wasps has given me a lot of ideas about the concept of the home, and I have used my observations of the nests as inspiration for the ceramic objects I have created, amplifying my feelings about the nests in the hope that my collaborative work with the bees will result in the production of a kind of spiritual home for the people of the region.

There is no specific shape for this home, but it is based on my observations and the instinctive nesting conditions of the bees. Sometimes the bees use it directly, and sometimes the hive touches me with some part of the structure or some fragmented contents. I think I am inspired by the life of the bees, and I would like to bring this inspiration to the viewer. Life may seem like a repetitive experience from one point in time to another, but after more than five years of observation, I am always surprised by the creativity of the bees every time I stop to look at a hive. Each bee builds a home that is closely related to its environment, and that is unique because of its location.    

文|應力空間 Soil Space 主理人 彭奕軒

應力空間很榮幸邀請藝術家林文萱,發表最新個展〈家屋計畫-Home Project〉,土星工作室與文萱有著過往的關聯,自2019年新竹或者工藝櫥窗的成立,文萱作為此店家店長/企劃,並也同步推出許多精彩的工藝主題展覽、活動、市集等等在這幾年,或許也是因為這樣的關係,得知她是一位陶瓷創作者,並非常佩服在所屬的工作環境下,協助許多台灣創作者展演及策劃,同時也透過自身創作來回應環境。


Big Wasps House-已修復WenHsuan Artworks



比起「Working for you」,我們更喜歡「Working with you」,自藝術形式發展以來,人類與自然總是息息相關的,透過生物(泥壺蜂)的建構築巢,運用泥沙製作掩體或者感性來說就是暫居的家,藝術家將這些泥壺蜂曾經的家,採集回去,並進行「陶瓷化」燒製的動作,顯示出一種動作跟意義疊加之美感。


Little Wasps HouseOriginal Wasps




應力空間 Soil Space


建立於土,由下而上的結構延伸並進, 致力於藝術家展覽策劃、研究發表、出版、推廣、 教育經營、策展規劃 ; 重視實驗性,跨媒材合作等。


Soil Space is honored to invite artist Lin Wen Hsuan to present her latest solo exhibition, Home Project. Tu Xing Studio has had a past relationship with Wen Hsuan since the establishment of the Hsinchu OR Craft Life  in 2019, where Wen Hsuan has served as the store's administrator and has simultaneously launched many wonderful craft-themed exhibitions, events, bazaars, and so on over the past few years, and perhaps because of this relationship, we have come to know that she is a ceramic artist and has greatly admired the way she has helped many Taiwanese creators exhibit and curate in their work environments while responding to the environment through her own creations. 

"The Orientation of the House

In 2023, Lin Wen Hsuan went to The European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC) in the Netherlands for a three-month residency. Through her observation of the special properties of the nests of potter wasp in the past few years, she has been able to observe whether human beings, living in a house, will gradually construct or develop an appearance close to the local environment, and that even though we will eventually leave, the traces of such a life structure will still be left behind. Just like artist Wen Hsuan who came to a foreign environment, or every migrant, when we stand in the distance and look back at our original living environment, identity, family, and country, we are also searching for a certain location and approaching it through our creations.

"The Era of Collective Relationships

We prefer "Working with you" to "Working for you".

Since the development of art forms, human beings have always been closely related to nature. Through the construction of nests by living organisms (clay pot wasps), the use of sand and mud to make shelters or sensually speaking, temporary homes, the artist collects the former homes of these potter wasps and fires them into ceramics, demonstrating an action and a sense of connection. The artist has collected these bees' former homes and fired them in "ceramization", demonstrating the beauty of overlapping action and meaning.

"In the Soil

When the artist fires the hive of a potter wasp, it produces a natural glaze, sometimes metallic, melted texture, etc. The artist also amplifies the perception of the mineral material of the natural soil, hoping that the audience can also feel the possibilities brought by the soil.

If we imagine a forest fire, the soil may become red, other materials may become glaze, and natural objects may merge with each other and create a new harmony.

For the viewer of "Home  Project", there are many beehives left behind, which have created a timeless appearance, like the crystalline form of a former residence, which will live on forever.




林文萱 | Wen Hsuan Lin


創作主要以土為媒介, 跟著直覺與材料本質進行物件創作,希望能讓創作物成為討論心智本質的複合物件。以陶藝創作表來述心靈的狀態和回應環境處境。

近期創作以家屋為主題,以採集被遺棄的 台灣泥壺蜂巢作為陶藝創作靈感,以此連結陶藝、自然、家屋之間的關聯性,作為找尋身份認同和持續創作的途徑。

2022 年曾於鶯歌陶瓷博物館舉辦個展《無・物》,首次展出以泥壺蜂巢為媒介的實驗性陶藝作品。

2023 年獲選為文化部選送荷蘭歐洲陶藝中心 EKWC 進駐藝術家。

2018-2023 年期間任職於新竹鴻梅文創志業,參與或者工藝 櫥窗門市營運及工藝主題企劃,積極推動地方工藝主題策展、工藝工作坊、工藝產地旅行。 

國立臺灣藝術大學工藝設計 碩士

藝術個展經歷 Solo Exhibition  
2024  《 家屋計畫|台南土星工作室
2022  《 無·物》    |新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館|台北
2018  《風的記憶   | 日本長野
2018  《夢遊者的房間》|高雄鹽埕黑白切
2018  《隙》              |新竹或者書店
2017  《記憶的形狀》|台北金車藝文中心承德館
2016  《類似種子,類似彈藥》|台北台藝大學生藝廊
2012  《有痣者》|台北台藝大工藝大樓D 4002展覽室

國際交流/駐村經歷 | Artist Residency &International exchange
2023   文化部選送荷蘭歐洲陶藝中心 EKWC | European Ceramic Workcentre | 荷蘭
2019   臺灣—法國 NTCRI-BOULLE合作交流計畫|台灣工藝中心
2018   清水眷村藝術進駐「黑陶接線生計畫」|台中
2017  アジア現代陶藝展 愛知縣陶磁美術館|日本

2016  視覺混種 On Site Visual 參展 | 台北國際藝術村 

2016  亞洲當代陶藝交流展論壇 台灣藝術大學代表 |工藝中心台北當分代館

2015  中壢馬祖新村藝術進駐「偽博物館計畫」|桃園


藝術家雜誌 2018年02月 513期p.334  

創意陶藝:原味陶瓷的實驗與冒險─陶藝家林文萱的奇幻旅程 文/ 莊秀玲,

政治大學大學報  2017年11月15日  1665期 陶瓷塑童年記憶-林文萱顛覆素材印象   文/ 薛惟中

獲獎|Award & Grants

2023  文化部選送文化相關人才出國駐村交流計畫

2018  全國美術展雕塑類 入圍

2017  台灣陶藝獎 入圍

2017  第三屆故宮青年陶藝雙年展 入圍

2015  第33屆桃園美展 入圍

2015  第二屆故宮青年陶藝雙年展 入圍

2012  新竹市金玻獎 第二名

聯展|Group Exhibition 

2023  EKWC Oisterwijk  TEST CASE XXIX |  荷蘭 

2023 【壞坏 Set BAD vol.3】台北國際藝術村 | 台北 

2020  工藝家的詩- 憂傷的材料,逆行的人|新竹

2018  全國美術展入圍者聯展 國立台灣美術館|台中

2017  第三屆故宮青年陶藝雙年展|台北

2017   アジア現代陶藝展 愛知縣陶磁美術館|日本

2016  視覺混種 On Site Visual  | 台北 2016  亞洲陶藝交流展破境 Stunning Edge|台北

2015  第33屆桃園美展入圍者聯展|桃園

2015  第二屆故宮青年陶藝雙年展|台北

2013  新一代設計展|台北2012  新竹市金玻獎入圍者聯展|新竹

演講 / 講座經歷Invited Speaker 

2023 年 壞坏 Set BAD vol.3 -「作為協作者的角色」/ 與談人
2022 年 管-From Here To Anywhere:  「非典型少女養成記」主講人

工作經歷 work experience

2018年-2023年 或者工藝櫥窗  營運規劃團隊 / 店長 / 工藝策展人

2024年 至今 或者書店 總店長